As I lay here recovering from surgery, I cannot help but think of pain. The inherent act of surgery causes physical pain. Physical pain continues as the body heals and although painful, it is a good thing.
As my mind reflects on pain, I realize that sometimes physical pain can create emotional pain as well. Getting sick or injured may lead to thoughts about the decomposition of our aging bodies. We do not like the forced change in lifestyle or loss of control over something we thought was controllable.
Pain inescapable
Whether physically or emotionally, we will not escape pain while living on this earth. We enter the world through the labor of pain, we live with life’s joys and sorrows, and then we exit. On some occasions, the exit is peaceful. Usually, exits are painful. One thing is for sure regardless of how we go, those that loved us will feel pain.
I am sure this all must sound a bit depressing. I think that is part of the reason people do not like pain, do not want to acknowledge it and definitely do not like to talk about or reflect on it. Pain hurts.
Ignoring pain
Most physical pain warns us that something is off in our body. Sometimes we are able to breathe through the pain. Other times we have to take something to help ease the pain. Ignoring pain, both physical and emotional, serves us no purpose.
If we ignore our pain, things usually tend to get worse. Whether we are talking about physical or emotional pain, when we ignore it, we do not heal. Maybe that is why I wanted to write about it, to help us acknowledge our pain so we can heal?
Acknowledging pain
When we acknowledge our pain resulting from physical or emotional wounds, we can begin to heal. We can seek help from professionals, support from family and friends, and strength from God as He walks alongside us in our pain.
Accepting help
God did not intend for us to go through this life on our own. Being a relational God, He created us to be relational beings. Accepting help from others allows them to give of themselves and be a blessing. People bless us and we can in turn bless others. When we accept help from others, whether from a health care professional, family member or friend, we open up and release control. Acknowledging the need for help shows strength; it is not a weakness.
Pain not wasted
Pain slows us down. In our busy culture, slowing down does not get accolades. But slowing down is so beneficial to both our mental and physical well-being. Slowing down allows us to reevaluate our daily schedules and how we spend our time. Even with pain, slowing down reenergizes us.
I believe God uses our pain and suffering to help refine our character. If nothing else, pain and suffering can make us more resilient. With my current pain, God continues to develop my patience and my trust in Him. This forced stillness opens up time for me to spend with Him and hear His gentle voice as I look to Him for comfort and guidance.
As humans, we like to have a reason or a justification for the pain we endure. Unfortunately, we may never truly understand the reasons behind our hardships, suffering and pain.
One day I will dwell with God in eternity. As much as people do not like to talk about pain, to speak about death may be even more taboo. Does that mean I want to die? No. There are still many things I would love to see and do. But the fact of the matter is, I will not live on this earth forever.
I do believe my earthly death will lead to my eternal life because I do believe in Jesus and eternal life with Him and God. Only then will I be completely free from pain and suffering.
So, when I take my eyes off my circumstances and keep them focused on this truth, I have hope. Although this hope does not remove my pain, it does make it more bearable and for that, I am grateful.
Lord, you look throughout the earth to strengthen the hearts of those fully committed to you. You promise to be with me as I pass through the waters; you promise the rivers will not sweep over me nor the fire will burn me or set me ablaze. For your namesake, out of the goodness of your love, deliver me. For I am poor and needy and my heart is wounded within me. Thank you, that because of your great love, I will not be consumed; for your compassions are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I put my hope in you and will praise you, my Savior and my God.” 2Chronicles 16:9a, Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 109:21-22, Lamentations 3:22-23, Psalm 42:11b
Thought provoking Penny! Well written and well received! Hugs to you : )