Comparing Ourselves

Do you find you get caught up in comparing? I think as imperfect beings, we tend to do this a lot. We compare ourselves to others physically, spiritually, lifestyles, children, careers, situations and more. Sometimes we realize we are doing it. Most times, we do not.

Social media seems to feed comparing. We get bombarded with other people’s lives. People on social media portray what they want others to believe. They appear, successful, wise, fit, in demand, always traveling, in perfect relationships, have a perfect family, house. The list goes on. Although we know the truth reported may not be 100% as stated, we tend to forget. We compare.

I find when I catch myself comparing, I feel deflated. Comparing also makes me feel less than. I become insecure. A friend told me that Theodore Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I agree.

God uniquely made each of us. He uniquely designed each of our life’s journeys.

Unique beings

God gave us each unique attributes, qualities, abilities. He desires us to use our gifts, not compare our gifts to someone else’s.

Embrace the qualities and gifts God has blessed you with. If you need to compare, compare the person you are today with the person you were yesterday or last month. Are you a kinder, smarter, more loving person? Do you help others, use your time more wisely, find time for self-care, for God? Are you one step closer to achieving your long-term goals? Fostering a relationship or your creative side?

Comparing yourself to yourself enables you to grow. You become more wise. See improvements, accomplishments? Give yourself a pat on the back! Need to work on something? Work on it. Stop worrying and comparing to anyone else. Let all that fall aside.

Unique journeys

The journey of life for each one of us varies. Why make a competition out of it? Comparing our journeys makes life a competition. That sounds exhausting to me.

Everyone grows at different rates spiritually, professionally, personally. We have no control over anyone else’s journey but our own. When we embrace our journey, however slow it might feel, we learn to enjoy it. The focus we bring to our journey enables us to be present and involved.

As we shift our focus to our journey, our journey becomes enjoyable. Our journey brings us joy.

Stop comparing

We live in a world that compares. I am human with human tendencies. When my human tendency to compare myself to someone else gets activated, I have to consciously decide to stop it.

Stopping requires effort. For me, I try to change my perspective. Instead of going negative, I flip my mind’s narrative. If my comparison relates to someone else’s successes, I flip the narrative to “Good for them! That inspires me to go full force after my goals.” We all have our own ways of flipping narratives. We have to flip them to whatever makes it believable to ourselves.

A lot of times I need to ask for God’s help. He has a way of reminding me how uniquely special He made me and that He is with me on this beautiful and crazy journey we call life.


Lord, your Word instructs us to pay careful attention to our own work to receive satisfaction of a job well done. When we do this, we will not feel the need to compare ourselves to anyone else. You, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, You are the potter. We are Your handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which You prepared in advance for us to do. Remind us of these truths when we are tempted to compare.

Galatians 6:4-5, Isaiah 64:8, Ephesians 2:10

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4 Responses

  1. Maribeth Cadieux says:

    Love this Penny. Very well written. 💕

  2. Judy says:

    Theodore Roosevelt was right and so is Maribeth (above). Penny, you are a wonderful writer and your words are a blessing to me and others.

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