Adjusting Expectations

Do your expectations ever trip you up? I can honestly say mine often do.

You look forward to something only to be disappointed. It could be expectations about something as small as a movie or book. You spend the time, excited about seeing or reading, not understand the hype. You feel like you just wasted precious time.

Or maybe your expectations surrounding a relationship do not pan out. You become disappointed, frustrated, wondering what a life without people might look like.

Did you expect to start this new year with a bang? Three weeks into it, you keep waiting for the spark to start? Disappointment sets in. You doubt yourself, your goals, dreams.

Negatively adjusting

Dreams take work to make them happen. Disappointment causes us to flounder. We allow our negative thoughts, or the world’s, to rule us. We ask ourselves: “Why keep dreaming?”

What about if we change what we expect? We prepare ourselves to expect the worst? This way, no expectations means no disappointment.

I suppose that could be a way to get around our expectations not disappointing us. What kind of life would that be, living expectantly for the worst? Personally, I do not want to live a life with that negative mind-set.

Positively adjusting

I think we continue to live with high expectations for ourselves. God wants us each to live our best lives. Living with expectations does not equate to allowing them to rule us.

This past week, I had all these plans. I looked forward to a work out with a friend, treating myself to a manicure, a peaceful walk in snow.

God had other plans. The weather turned bad. The snow never materialized, wind and sleet came in its place. We lost power for two days, cell service for one. Everything shut down. The weather continued to reek havoc for days.

The airlines cancelled our flight, twice. At this writing, we may or may not fly to our sunny destination for a vacation.

Acknowledging my disappointment at every turn, I did not allow the disappointments to rule me.

No power? I dressed warmer inside and lit a lot of candles. I love candles. Their light (and smell) make me happy.

My husband and I had fun together. We played cards. Normally we each do our own thing.

More quiet time meant I had more time to read. I had more time to sit with God and read His Word. I believe that extra time I spent with Him helped me adjust my mindset.

New mindset

A new mindset allowed me to embrace the disruptions without negativity. I chose to focus on doing things that brought me joy. Often, intentionally deciding not to let things (or people) I could not control bring me down.

I made a choice. At every turn, I had to intentionally remind myself to continue to make that choice. Things did not turn out as expected. Planned blessings morphed into unplanned ones.

Sometimes I had to draw on Christ’s power to do that. He is faithful. Christ will never deny a request for us to reflect His traits of kindness, patience, love, trust in God.


Expectations allow us to look forward to life. Sometimes expectations do not pan out as we planned. Often they do not! We can use any resulting disappointment to grow as a human. As we gather strength, we free ourselves from our negative thoughts or circumstances, no longer bond by them.

Lacking in your own strength? Turn to God. God desires each of us to live our lives to the fullest. Christ equips us through His Spirit to live that life; He assures our salvation. That expectation will not result in disappointment.


Heavenly Father, make new the attitudes of our minds, put on our new selves, created to be like You. Your Word promises that You are with us, You will strengthen, help and uphold us with Your righteous right hand. Thank you, Jesus, for the promise of eternal life.

Ephesian 4:23-24, Isaiah 41:10, 1John 2:25

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