Aging Bodies

As I sit typing, I contemplate aging and our bodies. Why? Because I sit wearing two different braces to support my shoulders and back in order that I sit properly. My whole life I never possessed the best posture. I mean, I tried to stand up straight in spite of my big boobs. People without big ones do not realize how heavy they can be. But also, thinking I could hide them from unwanted stares, I would slouch.

Sitting up straight challenged me for whatever reason. In college I would slide my butt to the edge of the chair, almost reclining. I still remember a male professor telling me if I sat up straight, I would have been the most attractive female in the class. But since I did not, it went to another. Like I cared. More importantly, why did he feel the need to tell me this? Welcome to the 80’s and women objectification. I digress.

As our bodies age, good posture helps them align the way God designed them. Our muscles better support our skeletal structure. Our bodies digest food and balance better.

Take for granted

For whatever reason, we take our bodies for granted. We overindulge with food and drink. Some of us do not exercise regularly. Others exercise too much. We stay up too late, not letting our bodies get the rest they need. Our bodies begin to fail us and we then wonder why.

We cannot avoid the break down of our bodies over time. But we can help ourselves, and our bodies, by listening to them and treating them better.

Take better care of

The wonder of our bodies, the way their components work together, extends beyond my mental capacities. I marvel at my body, grateful that it still enables me to do so many things. That said, I need to become a better steward of it.

For me, that means doing some simple stretches before I get out of bed. I have to warm up my body before I engage in physical activity that taxes it. It also means stretching after said activity. All this takes time that I need to plan for and incorporate into my day’s schedule.

When my body feels tired, I need to make time to rest. When something aches chronically, see a specialist about it versus ignoring the pain.

Food wise, when my stomach feels full, stop eating. When it needs food, eat. Drink more water for my organs. Be more aware of my sugar intake (sweet tooth my weakness). Stay away from foods that irritate my acid reflux, no matter how delicious they may be.

Fill my mind and heart with joyful people, activities and God’s word. Turn over any anxiety I feel to Jesus, who provides His peace. Do not let envy take root in me for “envy makes the bones rot” (Proverbs 14:30). Allow God’s Spirit, which He freely gives as a gift of His grace in Jesus, to work through me. The Spirit within equips me (if I surrender self) to “walk with all humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with one another in love, unity, peace” (Ephesians 4:2-3). He empowers me to treat myself well, forgive self when I fail and see myself through God’s eyes.


How do you treat yourself and your body? What might you change or do to better take care of your body, heart and mind? How can you love yourself better; love others well? Have you accepted God’s gift of grace? Might you consider inviting Christ in, if you have not?


Thank you, God, for granting me life, steadfast love and care that has preserved my spirit. Help me to better take care of my body so that my life can be full of holiness and honor. Empower me, for my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak.

Job 10:12, 1Thessalonians 4:4, Mark14:38

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6 Responses

  1. Erin says:

    I’m on this same journey with you, sweet friend. Thanks for always being the authentic, inspiring, incredible woman that you are. Love you!

  2. Kim says:

    Love this message Penny❀️

  3. Karen Marie Zinsmeister says:

    Right there with you Penny….