Author: Penny



We need balance in all areas of our lives. Without balance, our bodies would literally fall over. Do you believe you live a well-balanced life? Goal focused I can honestly say leading a well-balanced...


Judging again

I find it interesting my thoughts have been centered around feeling judged and also not trying to judge others. Why do I find this interesting? Because as I look back at my blog posts,...



How often do you find yourself complaining about something? I think most of us are unaware of how often we complain. Challenge to stop complaining I came across a book titled “A Complaint Free...

New Year, New Rhythm

Something about entering a new year brings people the hope of renewal. I think most of us see the new year as a time to reset. We have the opportunity to be and do...

Thanksgiving Day

In the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day a national holiday. He felt Thanksgiving Day could help heal wounds incurred by the Civil War. Although Thanksgiving Day became a national...


Webster defines regret as “sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one’s control or power to repair”. I found Webster’s definition limiting. Regret can result from circumstances we cannot control. But I find myself carrying regret...

Comparing Ourselves

Do you find you get caught up in comparing? I think as imperfect beings, we tend to do this a lot. We compare ourselves to others physically, spiritually, lifestyles, children, careers, situations and more....

Procrastinating – again

Is there anything you want to do but keep putting off? It might be as simple as eating healthier, exercising more, going through a box of papers, pursuing a dream. Do you have good...

Half-full Perspective

Do you tend to look at life from a glass half full or a glass half empty perspective? What about people, how do you tend to view them? From what lens do you view...

Facing Fear

God gave us fear as an emotion to make us aware of danger and keep us safe. This type of fear helps us respond to immediate danger. The fear I want to address in...