Author: Penny


Comparing Ourselves

Do you find you get caught up in comparing? I think as imperfect beings, we tend to do this a lot. We compare ourselves to others physically, spiritually, lifestyles, children, careers, situations and more....


Procrastinating – again

Is there anything you want to do but keep putting off? It might be as simple as eating healthier, exercising more, going through a box of papers, pursuing a dream. Do you have good...

Half-full Perspective

Do you tend to look at life from a glass half full or a glass half empty perspective? What about people, how do you tend to view them? From what lens do you view...

Facing Fear

God gave us fear as an emotion to make us aware of danger and keep us safe. This type of fear helps us respond to immediate danger. The fear I want to address in...

Stillness: Finding time for it

As I sit here at a friend’s beach house, I look at the waves rolling on to shore. Quiet surrounds me as everyone sleeps. I think of stillness, which has been lacking from my...

Speaking Life

Driving on the freeway today, I heard Toby Mac’s song “Speak Life” on the radio. After hearing that song, I pondered the act of speaking life. Do I speak life to people I encounter...

Slowing Down, Again

Why does the act of slowing down challenge me in so many arenas of life? I walk fast, drive fast, talk fast and often load my days with too many activities. Walking I grew...

Expressing Gratitude

Do you express gratitude for the people in your life, your circumstances or your body’s capabilities? Do you even think about it? On different days, the same song about gratefulness played, it seemed, every...

Letting Go

Has anyone ever told you to “Let it go”? Sounds simple. Some of us torment ourselves by not letting go of any number of things. Past hurts I found myself rehashing a past hurt...

Aging Bodies

As I sit typing, I contemplate aging and our bodies. Why? Because I sit wearing two different braces to support my shoulders and back in order that I sit properly. My whole life I...