Listening to a radio program, the DJ mentioned the word “glimmers”. Unlike triggers that make you agitated, glimmers fill you with joy. I started wondering, do I intentionally look for glimmers? Do I take...
Penny's Perfectly Imperfect Blog
Musings from the Heart
Listening to a radio program, the DJ mentioned the word “glimmers”. Unlike triggers that make you agitated, glimmers fill you with joy. I started wondering, do I intentionally look for glimmers? Do I take...
After reading my post on forgiveness, a friend shared about her need to work on self-forgiveness. I realized my post on forgiveness failed to address self-forgiveness. One must extend forgiveness, like love, to oneself...
Mark Twain said “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Forgiveness, by definition, is the intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger. A person extends...
Do you tend to extend kindness to people based on how you are feeling? Feeling happy, we smile or respond to people we encounter pleasantly. Feeling tired or angry, we lash out at the...
On September 11th, twenty-two years ago, many Americans lost their hope in humanity. How could other humans intentionally kill thousands of innocent human beings? The events that followed the attack restored some hope in...
I believe God creates each of us with unique gifts and talents. They are a part of who we are, blessing us and others. These gifts range in scope and size. Some gifts we...
A friend of mine recently found out a friend of hers died. She never got to say goodbye. Saddened by this sudden loss, she asked me if I had ever thought about writing about...
Watching Wimbledon, one of the announcers made a comment about the number one player. He said the player was intentional in all areas of his life, not just on center court. That statement made...
Do you remember what it felt like to be a child? Most children have curious minds and active bodies. They soak in the world around them, noticing everything. Children flit from activity to activity....
The concept of slowing down to enjoy life sounds simple to do yet I find it a bit challenging. From walking fast to having a busy calendar, slowing down seems impossible. The world is...
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