Author: Penny

Feeling Less Than

Have you ever experienced feeling less than? You may ask “Less than what?” and the answer, I believe, is “Less than them.” Feeling less than does not discriminate between confident and insecure people, although...

Flipping the Narrative

Do you find it challenging to remain positive when things do not go according to your plan? Even when I try to prepare myself for unexpected delays, bad service or negative people, I find...

Having Faith

Why is it so hard to have faith? Whether we lack faith in another human or in God, having faith can be hard. Completely trusting another person or a being we cannot physically see...


In this busy world, being on the go seems to be the norm. On some level, the busyness in our lives may make us feel needed or valued. We find it hard to slow...

Pursuing Dreams

Do you like watching singing, cooking, dancing, crafting or other reality TV competition shows? I admit, I love to watch these shows and see people pursue their dreams. As I watched one of these...


As I lay here recovering from surgery, I cannot help but think of pain. The inherent act of surgery causes physical pain. Physical pain continues as the body heals and although painful, it is...


Why is it so easy to judge? If we are not judging others we are judging ourselves, knowingly or unknowingly. I have so many topics floating around in my head that I wanted to...

Giving Grace

Has anyone ever told you to give yourself grace? Or have you said that to someone? What exactly does that mean? How do you go about doing that? During my cancer journey, people would...

Thwarted Plans

The other day, my daughter and I decided to take a drive to the Oregon coast. We loaded the car with our rain gear, not letting the rain deter us from a walk on...

Starting Anew

Are you waiting for the new year to start anew, to start over fresh? A lot of people do. I want to ask you, why wait? Why not start now? Most of the time,...