Author: Penny

Squandering the Present

Are you squandering the life you are living? What do I mean? Do you find yourself reliving happy moments of the past, better times that you wish were here? Maybe you are missing a...

Having Eyes for Others

When my husband and I fly together, he books our seats so that I am by the window and he is by the aisle.  I like to look at the landscape below or when...


I love animals, both wild and domestic. There is something amazing about watching wild animals in their natural surroundings. Most people cannot afford to go on a safari. So, we have zoos and wild...

Facing Fears

Sunday was a sunny, beautiful fall day. I wanted to go on a hike but I was on my own. Although I have seen men and women hiking alone, I am apprehensive about doing...

Wasting time

Do you take time for granted? I realized this past week that I do. The main culprit for me: TV. Relaxing in front of the TV is not bad in itself. I think watching...

Washington Mountains

There is nothing like the wonder of a sunset. Each sunset, no matter where at, is unique, beautiful, and magical. My husband took these photos through the airplane window while flying from Phoenix to...

Timberline Trail/Pacific Crest Trail

Timberline Lodge Timberline Lodge, built in 1937, is a rustic ski lodge that transports you back in time. The movie “The Shining” used a mock of of its exterior but was not filmed there....

Mount Hood Wilderness

I am blessed that I have an able body that allows me to hike in nature. After my surgeries side-lined me for a while (I still hiked while receiving chemo), I no longer take...


This past weekend I attended the 60th birthday celebration of my husband’s client. In addition to celebrating his birthday, which was actually back in February, we celebrated his mother’s 90th birthday. They decided to...

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

Treating others in the way that you would like to be treated, referred to as “The Golden Rule”, is a principle that exists in many religions. It seems like common sense to me. I...