We need balance in all areas of our lives. Without balance, our bodies would literally fall over. Do you believe you live a well-balanced life?
Goal focused
I can honestly say leading a well-balanced life does not come naturally to me.
As a teenager, I took my school work and part-time work very seriously. School and work took precedence over my social life. I chose to work a Saturday night over going to my high school’s State Football game. My boyfriend, at the time, was on the team. I did not think to ask to get off work. At the time, I was oblivious to the significance to him (probably everyone!) of the team making it to State.
The lack of balance between school, work and a social life continued into my college years. Being conscious of money and my family’s lack thereof, I chose an engineering for-profit school in Chicago that allowed me to live at home. I thought I would save money with this setup. What I did not count on was the fact that it was a business, they could raise the tuition each trimester, which they did.
My college life was atypical. College was a means to an end for me. Get an education, earn a degree, get good employment. I did well in school, graduating as planned in three years with a BS in Computer Science. Hired by a reputable consulting firm, I worked a lot!
Family focused
Fast forward to my thirties. Married with a toddler and a newborn, my husband’s job changed requiring us to move to a new state. I quit my job. Honestly, I would have quit after my maternity leave ended had we not needed to move. A “boy’s-club” consulting firm bought the technology division of the investment company I then worked at. Some of them came to manage us prior to me going on maternity leave. Working with them that short period of time showed me I did not like how they operated and would seek different employment.
Having no family support in this new state, I decided to stay home with our kids. I embraced being a stay-at-home mom. All my energy went into my family and building a warm home. Having young ones gave me a new perspective. I started viewing the world from their eyes. Encouraging them to try new things and experience life inspired me to do the same. I had one night out where I would take classes, like tap dancing and acting.
I made no effort at balancing being a mom and wife with having a career or pursuing new dreams fully. My primary focus was being there to support the family, our children’s growth, pay the bills, run the day-to-day activities of running a household. I loved this period of life, watching our children blossom into self-functioning adults. But I also sacrificed a big part of me that I did not realize until much later.
Empty nester
The children are gone. The husband has retired. You might think it should be easy for me to create a more balanced life. Thankfully, life’s struggles have taught me how to slow down and enjoy life. Slowing down is great. My challenge: tackling unfulfilled desires of the heart. Balance, I believe, is the key to doing this. Can I mesh my young, determined, intense self with my wiser, older, freer and slower self?
This is the quandary I find myself in. In times like these, I seek God’s Word for guidance.
God’s guidance
I find it ironic that the first passage I am directed to is Ecclesiastes 3. No longer in my memory banks now, I had memorized it years back for an acting workshop. Ecclesiastes 3, believed to be written by King Solomon, reflects on God’s timing in everything. The author implores the reader to enjoy the life and gifts God gives and states that our efforts, apart from God, are meaningless.
As we renew our minds (2Peter 3:17), seeking God’s guidance (Matthew 6:33), releasing our anxieties to Him (1Peter 5:7), surrendering to His Spirit that strengthens, empowers and equips us (Philippians 4:13, 2Timothy 1:7), we can walk confidently forward, making the most of every opportunity (Ephesians 5:15), anchored in Christ, walking by faith and not by sight (2Corinthians 5:7).
Our creator is a God of balance. We are His creation. He can help us instill and implement balance.
Dear God, You formed our inward parts and knitted us together in our mothers’ wombs. You know and see us. Renew our minds, allowing balance to become second nature to us. We release our anxiety to You, because You care for us. Through Christ, You have given us a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Holy Spirit, help us hear God’s voice, empower us to follow His direction and keep in step with You.
Psalm 139:13, Romans 12:2, 1Peter 5:7, 1Timothy 1:7, Galatians 5:25
Beautiful sharing, dear one. And, as always, divinely timed with your message. Are you reading my mind? You’re so magical!
I love how God uses me to speak to you and others! I cannot read minds, but He can. 🙂