Category: Nature Photos

Photos taken of nature during hikes, walks, and from airplane windows.

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I like to walk in nature to clear my mind as well as to hear from God. Not feeling inspired on what to write about, I hoped taking a walk would inspire me. As...

Facing Fears

Sunday was a sunny, beautiful fall day. I wanted to go on a hike but I was on my own. Although I have seen men and women hiking alone, I am apprehensive about doing...

Washington Mountains

There is nothing like the wonder of a sunset. Each sunset, no matter where at, is unique, beautiful, and magical. My husband took these photos through the airplane window while flying from Phoenix to...

Timberline Trail/Pacific Crest Trail

Timberline Lodge Timberline Lodge, built in 1937, is a rustic ski lodge that transports you back in time. The movie “The Shining” used a mock of of its exterior but was not filmed there....

Mount Hood Wilderness

I am blessed that I have an able body that allows me to hike in nature. After my surgeries side-lined me for a while (I still hiked while receiving chemo), I no longer take...