Category: Reflections

Penny’s thoughts about various topics not necessarily directly related to being a human.

Half-full Perspective

Do you tend to look at life from a glass half full or a glass half empty perspective? What about people, how do you tend to view them? From what lens do you view...

Stillness: Finding time for it

As I sit here at a friend’s beach house, I look at the waves rolling on to shore. Quiet surrounds me as everyone sleeps. I think of stillness, which has been lacking from my...

Aging Bodies

As I sit typing, I contemplate aging and our bodies. Why? Because I sit wearing two different braces to support my shoulders and back in order that I sit properly. My whole life I...


Do you ever think about the wind? For me, wind happens. I did not think much about it. Last month a winter storm brought with it relentless wind. The wind knocked down large trees...

Morning Dreams

Some mornings, I wake up and vividly remember a dream, or fragments of it. Sometimes, the dream does not want to leave my mind. To release the dream, and even learn something from it,...

Holiday Season

Thanksgiving has come and gone. My birthday falls around Thanksgiving, sometimes landing on that day. Growing up, my family celebrated my (and my brother’s) birthday on Thanksgiving. I always liked that holiday, probably because...


Listening to a radio program, the DJ mentioned the word “glimmers”. Unlike triggers that make you agitated, glimmers fill you with joy. I started wondering, do I intentionally look for glimmers? Do I take...


After reading my post on forgiveness, a friend shared about her need to work on self-forgiveness. I realized my post on forgiveness failed to address self-forgiveness. One must extend forgiveness, like love, to oneself...


Mark Twain said “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Forgiveness, by definition, is the intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger. A person extends...


Recently, I have been reflecting on change. My husband retired in March. Although I knew his retirement was imminent, its actual arrival has made me off-kilter. He chose to make this change. Being older...