Facing Fear

God gave us fear as an emotion to make us aware of danger and keep us safe. This type of fear helps us respond to immediate danger.

The fear I want to address in this post has to do with fear that prevents us from stepping into the person God created us to be. Fear that limits us. Limiting fear causes us to not pursue dreams, take action, move forward in life. We fear failure, uncertainty, rejection, success.

Fear of failure

If we fear failing, we tend to make excuses and do nothing. We do not put ourselves out there.

How do you define failure? Do you see failure as black and white? If I do not succeed at reaching the end goal as I envision it, or as someone else envisions it, does that mean I failed? Do experiences as you attempt your goal account for anything? What about mistakes happening?

Expect mistakes to happen. Mistakes do not equate to failure. Expecting mistakes and learning from them allows us to grow. Our character develops. And let us not forget about the people God places in our paths as we pursue something new. If we are open, new relationships and opportunities can develop as we push past our fear of failing.

Fear of Uncertainty

The mere fact that we step out into the unknown develops our courage. Most of us do not like the unknown. We cannot control the unknown. That makes us anxious.

Even those of us that believe in God’s plans for our lives have issues with stepping into the unknown. We know if we trust God and obey what we hear Him say, things will go according to His plan. The problem, being human, our minds do not function as His. God’s ways usually differ from our ways. This makes us doubt. We question. It takes faith to move forward.

How do we know we are moving forward in the right direction when we feel so uncertain? We continue to ask for guidance. A sense of peace permeates us even though we do not have all the answers. Our hearts do not hurt; our minds do not race with worry.

When we walk forward in faith, despite the uncertainty, our faith grows. We learn how to release control. We learn to push through the fear uncertainty brings.

Fear of Rejection

Fearing rejection can cause a person to compromise themselves. They may not realize they do this. They may push down their needs or desires. People who tend to be “people pleasers” deal with fear of rejection a lot.

God wired every human uniquely. One person’s passion may vary greatly from another’s. Where academics feed some people, creativity feeds others. Neither is right or wrong. What is wrong is denying your passion out of fear of rejection.

We all want to feel accepted. Rejection negates this feeling. The bottom line, not everyone will accept us. Rejection is a part of life. Stop giving more weight to others’ opinions. Embrace how God wired you, the gifts He gave you and your quirks. The quirks are what make you YOU. No human is perfect. Accept that.

Not caring if others get you or not takes thick skin. Learn to see yourself how God sees you. You are His child, “wonderfully made”.

Fear of Success

Do people really fear success? Maybe not on a conscious level. Our inner critic tells us negative things and we easily believe that voice. We believe we are not worthy of success. We forget about all the hard work we put in. Some self-sabotage, not believing in their own talents. Others feel like imposters, not worthy of success, afraid one day, people will realize they lack talent. 

How do we get around these fears? For me, I pray. I ask the Holy Spirit to silence all the negative voices and to help me hear God’s voice. I pray for God ‘s armor of protection, for strength and the courage to step out of His way. Sometimes, usually, I need to ask Him to increase my faith, in Him and in myself.

Lastly, I take action. I put myself out there. I push past my fears.


I sought the Lord and He answered me, He delivered me from all my fears. For the Lord Himself goes before me, is with me; He will never leave nor forsake me.

Psalm 34:4, Deuteronomy 31:8

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5 Responses

  1. Erin says:

    As always, a perfectly imperfectly placed blog at the PERFECT time!

  2. Jo Ann Donahue says:

    I appreciated this message. I am facing a fear of water this summer pushing myself learning to swim.
    At 70 it is really challenging. So many other fears since I am single after 45 years of marriage and learning to do things alone. Thank you, Penny.

    • Penny says:

      Jo Ann, thank you for your transparency. I am so proud of you for not letting your fear of water paralyze you. I pray you learn to love swimming. There is another world out there that one day you will be able to enjoy (snorkeling). But for now, one step (stroke!) at a time. 45 yrs is a long time to be a couple. Although we know we are never truly alone, our humanness does like to enjoy experiences with others (well I know I do!).The awkwardness, newness will wear off as you learn to enjoy your own company. I will keep you in my prayers as you navigate this new journey you are on.

  3. Judy says:

    Penny, a good message on fear and it is so important to confront our fears . I am rooting for you Jo Ann…..πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ