Facing Fears

Sunday was a sunny, beautiful fall day. I wanted to go on a hike but I was on my own. Although I have seen men and women hiking alone, I am apprehensive about doing that. I did not want to waste the day I was given, so I decided to face my fear, baby style.

Tryon Creek

Tryon Creek State Park has a network of trails that intertwine among a forest of trees. I have walked the trails with my family and with friends. There are many different access points to enter the park. I decided if I was going to do it alone, I might as well try starting at a trailhead that was off a winding road not far from my home. In spite of my fear, I wanted to experience something new.

I took deep breaths as I entered the trail, admiring the trees and the sun shining through. As I walked closer into the trails off the main area, I came across others enjoying the nice day. I have noticed while hiking and walking in nature, people out doing the same are quite friendly.

In spite of paying attention to the signs so I could get back to the trail that would lead to my car, I got lost. Instead of panicking, I thought to myself if I don’t find it, I would walk to the main parking area and take to the streets. I knew that would be a very long walk back to my car so I had to remind myself I was out to get exercise. Although not ideal, it was a solution that kept anxious thoughts at bay.

Needless to say, I came across a dad looking at a map. He was nice enough to show me where I was and guide me to where I needed to go. Taking a photo of his map, I went on my way thinking how he just modeled kindness to his kids that were waiting for him. I made it safely, and calmly, back to my car.


I chose, what I felt, was a relatively safe place to embark on facing my fear and kept my thoughts focused on that fact and the beauty around me. Any time my mind wanted to take me somewhere scary, I took charge to remove that thought. We have so much more power than we use when it comes to those fearful thoughts in our head. The choice is ours to listen to them or to kick them away.

Is there something you have been wanting to do but are allowing a fearful thought to prevent you from doing it? I want to encourage you to take a step towards facing that fear. A baby step is still a step forward. Take it, and watch how you grow.

Tryon Creek State Park Photos

Do you see the spider web?
Two trees living off above curved branch

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

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8 Responses

  1. Marcia Reynolds says:

    Penny, you are truly an inspiration. It does seem that the older I get more fear and concern sets in. I will take you advise and see where it leads. Thank you! Love and hugs❤️

    • Penny says:

      Honestly, fear keeps us from trusting God and the great plans He has for us. If something has been placed on your heart, take one step forward in faith. Give Him your worries and take that one step, then another. Also, don’t forget to enjoy the journey, as scary as it may feel at times. I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

  2. Erin says:

    Beautiful photos!! Thank you for sharing!! And, hooray for you for facing that fear! We used to hike in the Gorge all the time, and one time we were going really far south on a winding trail when the thought of running into a cougar popped into my mind. I’d never worried about that before, and it was interesting that it did at this time on this trail, but I must’ve heard a news story about a cougar attack or something. It’s always good to push through our fears like that, right? And cool you ran into fellow happy hikers because we’re all usually pretty darned peaceful and kind when we’re in the forest! 🙂

    • Penny says:

      Good for you for not letting that thought captivate/control you, freeing you to enjoy the beauty that surrounded you. I think it is good to remember times like that, reminding us that we have a choice. It also helps us remember the blessings that are waiting for us when we chose not to live by fear.

  3. teresa says:

    Beautiful picture and message! Keep on hiking!

  4. Karen Marie Zinsmeister says:

    I love Tryon Creek, always beautiful. And yes, you can get lost. Glad it was a good experience…