
Listening to a radio program, the DJ mentioned the word “glimmers”. Unlike triggers that make you agitated, glimmers fill you with joy.

I started wondering, do I intentionally look for glimmers? Do I take glimmers for granted?

What if you and I looked for glimmers as we go about our day? True, we do not search for triggers, they just happen spontaneously. Glimmers do too. I think we do not notice them. What if we intentionally begin to look for glimmers? Maybe if we did, we might become better at noticing and keeping them with us.

Noticing glimmers

I decided to look back on my day. As I did, I did not recognize many glimmers. Morning rain followed me on my way to Bible study. I wore a cute coat, not a rain coat. The umbrella I keep in my car disappeared.

I walked to my car after Bible study, thankful the rain had stopped. The sun peaked out for a few moments. I noticed the sun and was grateful for it, even its brevity. Sun is a glimmer for me. That said, I failed to let the sun permeate my being. I failed to hold on to the joy it brought me, even briefly.

Why? I needed to rush to an appointment. The car in front of me drove the speed limit. I tend to drive a little faster. This annoyed me. I failed to notice the beautiful fall colors. As I drove slowly, I stared at the speedometer, not the fall colors around me. Fall colors that normally bring me joy. I chose annoyance over glimmers, over joy.

What do you consider glimmers?

Have you ever stopped and thought about what things bring you joy? What would you consider a glimmer?

As I thought about that question, a lot of things came to mind. I love the smell of fresh baked cookies. Learning about Jesus’ love for humanity brings me joy. A phone call from a daughter. Hearing songs on the radio that remind me of a happy event. Seeing a hummingbird. Watching a toddler discover something new. Children’s voices playing at recess. Puppies or dogs that stop and say “hi” to me as I walk by. Creating. I could go on!

Be a glimmer

As I reflected on my glimmers, I realized many of them happen a lot in my day. I would like to be better at noticing and fully receiving glimmers. If I did, then I could receive their joy and it would stay with me.

I would become more joyful and in turn become a glimmer to somebody else. It could be a stranger I encounter or someone I know that might need a glimmer. Someone that needs a touch of joy in their lives. How cool would that be to actually become someone else’s glimmer?


Heavenly Father, your Word says a joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Make us aware of the glimmers You have placed around us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation, and uphold us with a willing spirit. (Proverbs 17:22, Psalm 51:12)

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2 Responses

  1. Kim says:

    Love this Blog! I will look for glimmers today! 🥰✨