Half-full Perspective

Do you tend to look at life from a glass half full or a glass half empty perspective? What about people, how do you tend to view them? From what lens do you view yourself?

What if we tried to view the circumstances and people in our lives more from a half-full perspective? What might happened if we viewed ourselves from this perspective?


Life’s circumstances can be difficult and challenging. Do we allow our circumstances to bring us down? Do we give them them the power to swallow up any light we have?

It is very easy to let our circumstances define our mood. It takes intentionality to try and find any good in our situations, to not focus on all the bad things going on around us and to us. When we look for the good in our circumstances, we restore hope. If we have trouble seeing any good, we can turn to God and pray. As He comforts us and speaks to us in His gentle voice, He helps us. He can turn our jaded hearts into hopeful hearts.

Our hopeful hearts can lead us to happier, more fulfilling lives. Our hopefulness can rub off on others.


Finding the good in people we like does not usually pose a challenge. But if a person lashes out or hurts us? Finding good can be challenging. Negative thoughts swirl in our minds.

We have to intentionally release any negative thoughts that invade our minds. We have to focus, sometimes search, for the good within that person that hurt us. Human beings are imperfect. We must stop expecting them to be perfect.

I believe good resides in people. Some people have just pushed all their good down so no one else can see it. Sharing a kind word, especially in spite of what might be coming at you, takes strength.

What would it look like for you to be a force of encouragement in your corner of the world? Share a kind word to whoever crosses your path. Or actually compliment someone if you see something you like. Do all of this, not expecting anything in return. Think about how you can be a light for the sole purpose of blessing someone else. None of us truly knows what is going on in another person’s mind or world. You may be their only source of good, of light.

If more people started looking for and celebrating the good they find in others, people might actually become kinder. But if they do not, that is their choice. They are the ones missing out on a full life.


As with others, if we keep harboring on what we feel we lack, lose sight of our God-given talents or how He wired us, we negate our potential. Celebrate accomplishments no matter how small. Rejoice when you have pushed past fears and insecurities. God intentionally formed each of us. Embrace yourself, see yourself the way God sees you. Praise Him for creating you perfectly imperfect.


Heavenly Father, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Give me eyes to see myself and others through Your perspective. Help me to show love, especially when my emotions tell me to act otherwise.

Psalm 139:14, Hebrews 10:24, Matthew 7:12

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4 Responses

  1. Karen says:

    I love this! Amazing timing.

  2. Erin says:

    Always such good word medicine, Penny!! And, very much needed as I’m reading this while on a long wait hold for the third time today as their phone lines keep hanging up on me. Definitely seeing things as half empty as I watch my beautiful day being sucked up by this experience. That’s why I chose to catch up on a few emails and saw your wonderful message! Love you!

    • Penny says:

      Never too late to readjust our viewpoints. I’m blessed you had to wait because then my words were available to speak to you!