Look around

I like to walk in nature to clear my mind as well as to hear from God. Not feeling inspired on what to write about, I hoped taking a walk would inspire me. As always, the walk was peaceful. The sun shone and the wind blew. Silence surrounded me. No inspiration came.

Music in my pocket

As I headed down the hill, I heard music. The music was coming from my pant’s pocket, from my phone. I thought “How odd, how did that happen?”

I pulled out the phone. Instead of turning the music off to resume my quiet, I decided to listen to the song playing. My ears heard these words: “Take a look around, before the sun goes out. What’s lost can still be found. It’s not too late now. It only takes one spark to make the fire burn. So reach inside your heart and let this be the start.”

I had not used my phone earlier to listen to music. Because the song randomly played in my pocket, I believed God was trying to get my attention. The words I heard motivated me. Yes, just start doing what God has placed on my heart to do. Get out of the way. Start.

Wanting more for me

I had never heard this song before. When I got home, I googled some phrases I heard, curious about what else the song said. I wanted more inspiration before I took action.

I found the song: “Keep Changing the World”. The lyrics encouraged people to step up and contribute. Help the homeless children, suffering and lonely people. Instead of going along in life helping our own, look around. Help others.

Wrong state of heart

To be honest, I did not really want to hear these words. I donate money, clothing, toys, time. I enjoy doing those things. Yet God showed me my heart as I read the lyrics.

Reading about children without homes, my mind went to the explosion of homeless in my city. When I lived in Chicago, I would volunteer to serve food to them. Here, I feel the city enables them at the expense of its citizens. I am cynical in spite of the great organizations that exist. One organization helps families get off the streets. Another helps those who truly want to get off the street. They provide job training and housing, as long as they stay off drugs and follow their rules. Some actually do; a majority do not.

God wants us to use the gifts He has given us. When He lays something on our hearts, our response should be to do it. We all have unique gifts to give this world. Inspire me God, but on my terms. Unfortunately, it does not work that way.

Too much self focus can cause us to not see the people God places in our pathways. We end up missing opportunities that matter. Busyness obstructs our vision. Our own agenda consumes us.

Look around

Do you have a neighbor suffering with an illness, grieved or widowed? Have you reached out to them or do you assume they have friends or family that will support them? What about kids at school that do not have enough food at home? They exist regardless of the neighborhood you live in. Is there a senior living center near you? Have you thought about going and visiting with a lonely elderly person? Taking a small step of action creates a spark.

This time of year, many organizations ask for donations. It can be overwhelming. I wonder if more of us took action if that would change? Maybe giving money or a piece of time throughout the year would make the demands of this season less? I do not know. All I know is that my heart, although compassionate, gets weary. I am just a human after all.

Be open

I thank God for showing me the crusty parts of my heart. Although not the inspiration I desired, God inspired me nonetheless. Like in anything, awareness must happen first. Change can happen after that. What I am unable to change on my own because of my human limitations, Jesus can help me overcome. I can intentionally look around, inside and outside of my sphere. Look and see. Take action. Make a spark.

View while walking to the music.

Everything was created through Him; nothing—not one thing!— came into being without Him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out. John 1:5 MSG

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2 Responses

  1. Erin says:

    Wow! Such a cosmic tale. I love that. Life has been overflowing with synchronicities lately and this is one of them. Additionally, there are children suffering in Gaza, so maybe the reach goes to that part of the world too? Every little bit counts. Thanks, as always, for sharing your beautiful, and crusty, heart with us! Love you, friend! <3