Mount Hood Wilderness

I am blessed that I have an able body that allows me to hike in nature. After my surgeries side-lined me for a while (I still hiked while receiving chemo), I no longer take stretching, walking or normal breathing for granted.

Being in nature soothes my soul. I realize not everyone likes to hike or has the ability for whatever reason. I decided I would start sharing some of the wonder I experience while hiking.

When in nature, I try to detach from my phone a bit. Therefore, these photos are just a sampling of all that I saw.

I share these photos with you as a way for you to enjoy nature that you might not otherwise get to enjoy or witness. May these photos fill your heart with joy and your soul with peace.

Tom, Dick and Harry Mountain via Mirror Lake

This hike is one of my favorites. It is actually two hikes in one. The first “view point” you reach on the trail is of Mirror Lake. Many people picnic here and swim in the lake on hot days.

When you continue on to the Tom, Dick and Harry trail, you end at the top of the mountain directly across the way from Mount Hood. On a clear day you can see Mount Adams, Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens and Mount Jefferson.

Although it was a beautifully clear day when I hiked this trail with my daughter, the only mountain I captured was Mount Hood.

Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

Waterfall along trail
Mt. Hood from the trail
Wild flowers at the top of Tom, Dick and Harry
View from the top of Tom, Dick and Harry of Mt. Hood and Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake

How beautiful on the mountains
    are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
    who bring good tidings,
    who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
    “Your God reigns!”
(Isaiah 52:7)

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