New Year, New Rhythm

Something about entering a new year brings people the hope of renewal. I think most of us see the new year as a time to reset. We have the opportunity to be and do what we failed to be and do the prior year. Setting resolutions for the new year probably stem from this hopeful outlook. Did you make any resolutions for the new year?


I did not make any new year’s resolutions. For whatever reason, I do not like making them. Possibly knowing myself, I feel like resolutions set me up for failure. The new year starts hopeful, planning to change for the better. I want to take better care of my body, work at making dreams a reality and reflect Jesus’ character more. I will not change for the better without creating a new rhythm to live by.

Creating new rhythms

I believe Albert Einstein was the person who said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Creating a new rhythm in life is hard. Fired up, we start making changes. Our gusto wanes and we slip right back into old routines. Fear stops us in our tracks.

Stop making excuses

We are already two weeks into the new year and I have not established a rhythm. I can justify this. I moved across the country and live in limbo. Justifications are just excuses. Life and the things we cannot control will always try and sabotage our efforts. We need to accept this fact and stop making excuses. Releasing excuses will allow us to change and establish a new rhythm.

Focus on a day at a time

I have admitted I do not have a new rhythm in place. Today is “Day 2” of me attempting to establish a new rhythm in my life. How am I attempting to do this? By creating more structure in the parts of my day without structure. I set realistic goals for the time and work, a task at a time. I stick to the plan one day at a time.

Most of us have responsibilities: families to care for, jobs to go to, relationships that require our time. Some of these require a set amount of time out of our days. For the responsibilities we have some control over, we can set boundaries. We guard the time we spend on them, protecting them from any form of sabotage. Getting used to the new rhythm, we extend grace to ourselves. We plod along, patting ourselves on the back for making it through one day. We go to bed, wake up, and start again.

Lean on God

One thing I realized about myself is that I need to have daily quiet time with God. My soul needs to hear His voice, which sets my heart right for the day.

I let my quiet time slip completely. Looking back, I see that the days I forwent quiet time, I had very little patience. People annoyed me easily. I lost my temper more quickly. I rarely reflected Jesus’ character to others.

As a light bulb needs an electrical source, my human soul needs charging from God’s Word. His Word reminds me how He sees me, forgives me, loves me as His beautiful creation. Through the Bible and many wonderful devotionals, I receive the fuel I need to extend His love to others. It helps me see others through His eyes more easily. He aligns my hearts desires with His; He helps me set my priorities.

As I go about my day, I tap into the Holy Spirit. I ask Him to equip me and enable me to accomplish my tasks. God is always with us. He desires a relationship with us now and in eternity. God giving us eternal life, through Jesus, gives us hope. There is nothing too small to ask for His help. Why not talk to Him as you go about your day? He has never failed to meet me where I am at. He always helps me do the work with His mercy, grace and love.

How about you?

What has helped you get into a new rhythm? Please share in the comments anything that has helped you get into a new rhythm … or anything you would like to share.


I pray that the God of hope fills you with joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. For the LORD is good to those who hope in Him, to the one who seeks Him.

Romans 15:13, Lamentations 3:25

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