
I find myself procrastinating these days. Instead of writing this blog, exercising, decluttering my house, I spend time staring at my phone, cooking, feeding the birds. I fake productivity and do pretty much anything other than what I need to do.

I like to write and exercise but not declutter my own stuff. If you have decluttering to do, invite me over!

So why do I procrastinate?

Making excuses

I contracted a head cold (not COVID, I continue to test). I have not had a cold in years, so I forgot how tired and uncomfortable they make you feel. Excuse one: head cold. Number two: just returning from vacation, my rhythm of life is off. Excuse three: My husband retired, also affecting my rhythm of life. Excuse four: Too cold to go out for a walk. I want to hibernate and eat comfort foods. Excuse five: Holiday around corner, need to focus on that.

Honestly, I could go on and on with excuses. Excuses come easily. Doing the work, disciplining myself to do the work, does not. I find myself wasting time.

Stop wasting time

To try to break this pattern, I decided to write about it. Writing can be isolating and more time consuming than one might think. Instead of writing about other topics on my heart, I decided to address the resistance in my head. Writing books will tell you to just write. So I take action. I write. I take a step in order to chip away at this procrastinating behavior that wants to take over.

Anything of value requires work. It requires discipline. Most of us do not like discipline. The word itself seems rigid and boring. But through discipline, work happens, things change, new things come to life.

If I exercise regularly, my muscles get stronger, better supporting my aging bones. If I eat healthier and drink water, my internal organs become happier. My brain functions better. When I schedule time to remove clutter from my home, I make progress. A less cluttered space allows me to release anxiety. It frees me to create. To create, I need time and space.

Stop standing still

Maybe we throw out the word “discipline”? What if we focused on better management of time? Start off your day asking: “What am I going to accomplish today?”. “God, what would You like me to accomplish today?”. Then make a plan and stick to it. Take a step; and then another. Move forward. Do not stand still.

Procrastinating, if you think about it, is like standing still. Nothing moves. Nothing happens.

When do you find yourself procrastinating? Is there something you need to do or accomplish that you have been putting off? Has God placed something on your heart but you are ignoring His prompting? Is fear causing you to procrastinate?

I encourage you to push through procrastination. Do what you need to do, what God would like you to do, one step at a time.


In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. You waken my ear to listen like one being taught. Equip me to do Your will today. Strengthen me to have diligent hands that bring wealth, not lazy hands that make for poverty.

Psalm 5:3, Isaiah 50:4, Proverbs 10:4

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