Procrastinating – again

Is there anything you want to do but keep putting off? It might be as simple as eating healthier, exercising more, going through a box of papers, pursuing a dream. Do you have good reasons for not doing it?

Procrastinating comes easily

I found myself putting off writing this post. Although many paper pieces with various topics litter my desk, my mind felt stuck. I even started writing about something else last night. I did not get very far. A tangled set of necklaces and the US Open on TV confiscated my time.

In truth, I allowed these other things to take precedence over sitting down and writing. Writing, like any creative endeavor, takes time. An average blog post takes me three hours to write (and that is when the topic flows out of me). The saying “creativity begets creativity” rings true to my ears. When I creatively talk with a friend, ideas and words flow. But I have not engaged creatively with others lately. I also stopped writing daily. Stuck creatively, the excuse I currently use.

Escaping comes easily

I think we tend to procrastinate when we feel overwhelmed. Instead of doing anything, we do nothing. Or what we do decide to do does not benefit us in any way. Instead of pushing through any resistance or improving habits, we escape. My form of escaping involves watching TV, looking at my phone, snacking. Some people escape with alcohol, exercise, social engagements. Have you ever thought about what you do to escape? Do you realize when you choose to escape and think about why you made that choice? What are you escaping from?

Forming new habits takes time

Forming new habits allows us to work on our heart’s desires that daily life seems to choke out. Creating habits to structure our days better allows us to be more intentional. Time would be allocated to work on those things our hearts desire but not in our current daily rhythms. Forming new habits take time. I keep hearing different numbers, the last one being two weeks.

New habits require a level of discipline, intentionality. I believe forming new habits also requires a new mindset. If we decide to do something, we do it. We come up with a routine that enables us to succeed. The routine includes dedicated time to work on what we currently put off. Over time, this routine becomes our new norm.

Instead of procrastinating, we show up. We stop choosing to escape life. Intentionally, we decide to push resistance aside, choosing to live each day to the brim. We fill our hearts with gratitude, not regret.


Heavenly Father, Your word tells us to use all our heart as we go about our tasks, working to please You alone. Equip us to do Your will, to step forward in faith. Enable us to live wisely. Empower us to not procrastinate and waste time but to live fully, making the most out of every opportunity.

Colossians 3:23, Ephesians 5:15-16

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