Sharing Your Gifts

I believe God creates each of us with unique gifts and talents. They are a part of who we are, blessing us and others. These gifts range in scope and size. Some gifts we recognize and share easily. Others, we fail to realize we have or harbor them for ourselves.

Recognizing our gifts

Each person has different things that bring pleasure to their soul. Some people love to cook and entertain. Others like to build or make things. Gardening, the creative arts, fitness, health, sports, spiritual gifts, the list goes on. Things that please our soul bring us joy, joy we in turn can share with others.

Sometimes we may not recognize we possess a gift. It does not feel like a passion; it is just something we do.

Questions to ask yourself

Every passion a person possesses is a seed of a gift waiting to blossom. Ask yourself: “Do I have a seed planted in me that remains a seedling? If yes, what would it look like for me to grow it? Is its fragrance spreading to others or am I harboring it, keeping it for myself?”

What about the gifts we do not recognize? Reflect on what you like to do that brings you joy. Ask family and friends what they see as a gift you unknowingly offer. Take classes on topics that interest you. If you believe in God, ask Him to reveal to you the gifts He gave you.

Harboring our gifts

We may not even realize we are harboring our gifts. We do not think of it as a gift worthy of sharing.

Or maybe we only share with people we deem “safe”, staying in our comfort zone. Going outside our comfort zone feels scary.

There are many other reasons we choose not to share. We make excuses that sound legit. I think the main reason we harbor our gifts is fear. We fear rejection, what others will think, the unknown. We doubt our own abilities and we are afraid to put ourselves out there. “Out there” is scary.

To put ourselves out there, grow our gifts, takes work.

Working at our gifts

As you might have gathered, we play a part in making our gifts blossom. Very few of us are born with innate talents. That said, I believe even people with innate talents work to make that talent grow.

It takes courage, discipline, dedication, hard work to move outside our comfort zone and put ourselves out there. We might have to adjust our schedules to make time to nurture our gifts. This might result in having less time for other things or people. Our life rhythm changes and affects those near to us. They push back, uncomfortable with this change. We derail.

If we expect resistance, setbacks or even failure, derailment will cease to be an excuse to stop growing our gifts. Resistance and failure are key elements for growth. We learn to embrace obstacles, to persevere. Our gifts grow, we grow.

For those that pray, ask God to help nourish the gifts He has given you. Allow Him to help guide you and grow your gifts. Trust Him to help you take your gifts to a place you could never imagine.

No regrets

There is something to be said about reflecting on death for a minute. Ask yourself: “If I died today, would I have any regrets? Did I start something I never finished and does that make me sad? Did I not do something I always wanted to do?”

Reflecting and honestly answering these questions may give you some insight. Use this insight to take action.

I would like to encourage you to start taking action today. Start tending to the soil of your heart and soul. Get it ready. Water the gifts God gave you. Nurture them. Enjoy them. Grow with your gifts and release their fragrance to the world.


Heavenly Father, thank you for making us unique beings with unique gifts. May we use whatever gifts you have given us to serve others, as faithful stewards of your grace in its various forms. Reveal, nourish, and grow our gifts, equipping us to share them with others. 1Peter 4:10, Jeremiah 33:3

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7 Responses

  1. Erin says:

    A wonderful, and timely post, as always, my dear one. Speaking of cultivating gifts, this is one of your many gifts and I’m so happy you continue to grow yours. As you know, I’ve been feeling sad lately about putting my gifts aside to attend to the busyness of the season. Such a gentle, nurturing reminder, my friend! <3

    • Penny says:

      Thank you for helping me to be accountable. May we continue to inspire each other to grow our gifts. Get that ukulele in your car!

  2. Judy says:

    Penny, what a gift you are to me as you share your beautiful message that speaks to my heart. God bless you✝️

    • Penny says:

      God has blessed you with SO many gifts. I am thankful for some of which you have shared with me. I encourage you to continue to share outside your comfort zone. Message me if you want me to share the gifts I see in you!

  3. Cindy says:

    Penny, as always, your wise words are encouraging, causing me to reflect, adjust my perspective and point me to a healthier way of thinking. Love you Sister!

    • Penny says:

      You have such a giving heart! I pray as you reflect you make time to foster whatever God is tugging on your heart.

  4. Cindy says:

    Penny, as always, your wise words are encouraging, causing me to reflect, adjust my perspective and point me to a healthier way of thinking. Love you Sister!