
Do you like to sing? Maybe you like to sing when you shower so no one else can hear you? Or with enough drinks, you get courage and participate in a round of karaoke? Maybe you think singing is silly?

I remember my mom would love to sing when she drove my siblings and me in the car. I loved those car rides! Even though I was young, some of those songs’ choruses still reside in me. One of my favorites: “Let’s All Sing Like the Birdies Sing”. Disney’s Tiki Lounge made this popular, although as a child, we had never gone.

The first things birds do in the morning: sing. They melodically chirp to, and with, each other. The same thing happens at sunset, before they go in for the night. I find their chirps music to my ears. It makes me wish I could carry a tune a bit better.

In elementary school I tried out for the Christmas pageant. I do not remember the song I had to sing but I remember being excited and nervous. A woman played the piano while I sang the song. When I finished, I looked at her. Her face said it all. Unsmiling, she asked “Is that the best you can do?” Embarrassed, I said yes and left. Any plans of singing solo then, or ever, dashed at the young age of six.

Summer Music Medicine

This past summer, my friend asked me if I would be a participant in a music medicine session. She was venturing into leading these sessions and wanted to do a practice one. Although I was not sure about singing in a public park, I wanted to help. Also, things outside your comfort zone have a way of making you grow. I agreed to meet her.

The drive over agitated me. I followed someone driving slowly in the left lane, the passing lane. Eventually, I passed the violator on their right. I looked at the driver as I passed and shook my head; he was oblivious.

My friend suggested writing a song about the driver. She strummed her ukulele, I grabbed a maraca, and together we made up a song about the oblivious Subaru driver. I may not sing well but I do know how to rhyme words well. Releasing the words in humor enabled me to release my anger as I laughed and sang.

We created a couple of other fun ditties; the last one about floating. I left the session happier and lighter.

Winter Gray

The gray days of winter affect my mood, making it anything but light. Today was one of those gray days, accompanied with rain. But because we set this date to refine that floating song, I drove to her house. I left my radio off, listening to the rain and watching the traffic.

We worked on the song. She tried unsuccessfully to teach me how to play the ukulele as she coaxed me to sing. We laughed as we collaborated. We had hoped to record the song but technical difficulties prohibited that.

I drove home in the relentless rain, noticing my soul felt content. The rain nor the traffic had the power to dampen my mood. I decided to turn on the radio and sing along to some worship songs.

Wired to Worship

I believe God wired each one of us to worship and sing. Singing helps us get in touch with our soul. Lamenting songs tend to our souls just as much as joyful songs. Singing allows us to feel our emotions as well as to release them. When we sing with others, we share camaraderie; we do not feel alone.

The angels in heaven sing every time a person repents and turns to God (Luke 15:10). The Lord Himself rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). He loves when we sing, especially when we worship Him with song.

Whether you like to sing or not, I encourage you to do more of it. Get together with friends, go to a church service or go to a concert. Open your mouths and your hearts. Release your emotions. Sing!


Heavenly Father, you gifted each of us with our own unique voice. Help us embrace the voice we have. Equip us to share our voice with others. May we sing of Your love and justice; may we sing praise to You, Lord. (Psalm 101:1)

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4 Responses

  1. Jo Ann Donahue says:

    Love this. I have a lousy singing voice with limited range and have been timid singing in church. I have been reading psalms and see God has pleasure in our songs. I gave been singing more even though it may not be a lovely sound I kniw it is beautiful to God

  2. Erin Lehn says:

    This is BEAUTIFUL!!! Yes, song is prayer. I am so honored to be such an integral part of your song medicine journey. You’ve inspired me to finish putting my course materials together as this is a place I feel really guided to be of service. I love you, sweet friend. Looking forward to putting our darling song into the world!

    • Penny says:

      Yes! God has given you so many gifts, including Music Medicine. Can’t wait to see this class offering in action!