Starting Anew

Are you waiting for the new year to start anew, to start over fresh? A lot of people do. I want to ask you, why wait? Why not start now?

Most of the time, we tell ourselves we are too busy. This is the holiday season, which adds additional tasks to our already busy calendars. We tell ourselves we need to make the holidays special: decorate, bake, buy gifts, visit family, host family, attend or throw a party, etc. We are too busy to change.

My friends, your calendar is always going to be full if you allow it to be. There really is never a good time to start fresh. Occasions will crop up that cause us to eat or drink a lot. Distractions abound. Our habits and lack of discipline control us.


Changing habits is hard. It feels daunting. If we want to live our best lives today, we must change our habits. To change our habits, we need to discipline ourselves. The good news is that we have control over both of these things.

As humans, we hate the word “discipline”. It sounds like a party pooper. Yet when we incorporate discipline into our lives, we receive balance.


Balance allows us to nurture our souls, our relationships, and fulfill our heart’s deepest desires. We achieve balance in our lives as we discipline ourselves through prioritizing that which is truly important to us. We manage our time more effectively for that which truly matters.


Discipline allows us to set boundaries and not overbook our calendar. It allows us to make time to care for our bodies through healthy eating and exercise. Discipline allows us to achieve our dreams as we actively take steps to implement them.

Discipline is work that opens the door to freedom. Our bad habits stop controlling us. We become free to live the fruitful life God placed us on this earth to live.

Will you not delay? Start anew today. Even a small step forward is a step in the right direction.


Heavenly Father, your word states that whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. Remind me you have given me the Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Help me to receive and implement discipline into my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

(Proverbs 10:17, 2 Timothy 1:7)

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4 Responses

  1. erin says:

    This is so perfectly aligned with my therapy appointment today. When you and I chatted the other night about my being so busy that I hadn’t read your blog yet, and you shared that was the theme of the blog I thought that was funny. I still hadn’t read it until just now. And this was after my appointment today that was all about my getting pulled in so many directions and needing to become disciplined on making sure that every day I created the space, with strong boundaries intact, to ensure that I did my “heart” work. It was more of a business coaching session than anything else, and I’m feeling really inspired and fired up and was creating my sacred work space when I decided to take a break and finally read your blog. And, look what I read here. Such beautiful, cosmic alignment. LOVE YOU! Thank you for always sharing your beautiful thoughts and heart!!! <3

    • Penny says:

      Erin, thank you for making space for me in your busy life! I love how you share your heart with me and others. Admittedly, I am still working on creating good boundaries and disciplining self. Baby steps are still steps, right?!

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