Stillness: Finding time for it

As I sit here at a friend’s beach house, I look at the waves rolling on to shore. Quiet surrounds me as everyone sleeps. I think of stillness, which has been lacking from my life.

Busyness replaces stillness quite easily. We live in a world that prides itself in busyness and makes us believe stillness is laziness. Making time for stillness seems impossible.

Making time for stillness

Somehow we manage to find time to do the activities that keep us busy. Yet the activity of stillness seems impossible to accomplish. What if we decided to treat stillness like an activity and schedule the time for it? What might that look like?

Like scheduling any activity, scheduling of stillness needs to work with your daily rhythm. Maybe for some that means scheduling stillness in the morning. Others may have a window of time in the day or after work.

There is no right or wrong way to incorporate stillness into our lives. The point being, we need to make a conscious effort and incorporate it.

Stillness takes effort

Stillness for most of us does not come naturally. Incorporating stillness into our daily pattern, closing down the mind from wandering or the body from moving, takes effort. To be successful and not abandon this effort completely, maybe start with a short period of time and work your way up to a solid chunk of time.

Maybe you can commit to five minutes of stillness? Put away your phone, book, computer, etc. Go in your backyard, in a room where no one can snag your attention, wherever. Sit. Breathe, focusing on your breath to help settle your mind and body. Close your eyes. Listen.

Increase the time as your body becomes used to the rhythm of stillness. The more time we can experience stillness, the more benefits we receive.

Stillness benefits

Stillness allows us to hear God’s voice. It brings clarity to the surface.

Stillness brings peace as we take deep breaths, receiving Jesus’ peace and exhaling our anxiety, worries. Our souls receive nourishment and refreshment, receiving what they need, which in turn is what we need.

Stillness invites hope to reside permanently in our hearts. This in turn helps our physical and mental well being. As stillness cultivates hopefulness, we become calmer, more purposeful, less anxious, confident, joyful human beings.


God of hope, help us to make time to find stillness in our days. You have the ability to refresh our souls and guide us along the right paths as you comfort and protect us. Even your Word encourages us to be still. Fill us with joy, peace, and a spirit that overflows with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 23:3-4, Psalm 46:10, Romans 15:13

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