Wasting time

Do you take time for granted? I realized this past week that I do.

The main culprit for me: TV. Relaxing in front of the TV is not bad in itself. I think watching a good movie or show can inspire us in many ways. But it is another story when you watch a show or movie that is not good and you continue to watch it even though you are not enjoying it.

I had this happen when I visited my sister recently. We both knew Lifetime movies are not always the best. However, sometimes their cheesiness is a good outlet. The movie we watched was particularly bad and ended even more poorly than we could have imagined. My sister exclaimed “I just wasted two hours of my life.” Sadly, I had to agree.

You think I would have learned my lesson. But we humans are creatures of habit, and the bad habits seem to be the hardest to break.

Three weeks later, after two weeks of jam-packed days visiting Krakow and Vienna with my younger daughter, where it did not seem we had enough hours in the day, I found my self wasting time in front of the TV.

The first two nights I caught up on the recorded shows I had missed. I smiled and laughed and felt good. But those shows ran out and instead of reading my book, organizing my vacation photos, or even unpacking, I sat and watched bad TV. Although I knew I was doing it, I could not stop myself.

Time is precious

Each day is a gift. I went through chemo and immunotherapy infusions as well as surgeries for an aggressive form of breast cancer and came out healthy (although once you have cancer, you are always on the look out for it as cancer is sneaky and determined to have your body as its host). You would think after that experience, I would be extra careful with my time.

This week, I even received a text from my cousin who had just found out her daughter’s best friend, who was like a daughter to her, died unexpectedly at the age of 45 (autopsy to be performed). If hearing that news is not a wake up call, what is?

Time wasted is gone

I chose to write about the time I wasted watching TV this week but in all truth, I wasted time in other ways as well. I cannot get that time back. But what I can do is be more aware of how I spend my time going forward. I can value the time I am given each day by spending less time on my phone, computer or in front of the TV, escaping life. I can be more intentional about living life.

No one but God knows how many days we have left on this earth. If we woke up and truly treated the day as if it might be our last, what would the day look like? How would we be different? Would we call someone we have not spoken to for a while? Maybe forgive someone or make amends? Would we say “I love you” more? Do you think we would waste one second of the day?


Heavenly Father, teach me to realize the brevity of life
    so that I may grow in wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)
Remind me how brief my time on earth will be, that my days are numbered. Remind me how fleeting my life is. (Psalm 39:4) Like wildflowers, I bloom and die. (Psalm 103:15) Help me to live wisely, making the most of every opportunity. (Ephesians 5:15)

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1 Response

  1. Erin says:

    I can certainly resonate with this post as I just sat here and wasted time doing something online. lol
    That prayer is encouraging. The last line especially. 🙂