
Do you ever think about the wind? For me, wind happens. I did not think much about it.

Last month a winter storm brought with it relentless wind. The wind knocked down large trees with shallow roots and weak branches. Trees, and parts of trees, fell on fences, roads, power lines and houses. A tree crushed one house near me, killing a man as he slept in bed.

Nature, which provides such beauty and peace, showed its other side. I began to ponder wind.

As I reflected on the wind and the havoc it caused, I thought about life. A man died. Life is precious. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I asked myself: “Do I live each day fully, truly valuing life?” My honest answer: “No.” Back in 2020, I vowed to myself to be intentional about how I spent my days. My intentionality did not result from the various COVID deaths that occurred. It came from my own battle with an aggressive breast cancer diagnosed that year. Only three years passed and my vow to not take life for granted, gone.

Wind’s effect

Right now I feel like a leaf that the wind blows to and fro. Unclear of my future direction, I flit through my days, going from one endeavor to the next. I do valuable things like serving others in need and volunteering for Special Olympics.

I waste time, a lot of it. Interruptions invade my efforts to sit quietly and ground myself in God’s word. A lot of the time, by my own doing.

When the wind blows hard, I have trouble pushing through its force. Instead of relying on God’s strength to get me through, I abandon ship. I make excuses.

Days where a soft breeze blows refreshes my soul. Even on those days, I find I misuse the extra energy that refreshment brings.

What about days without wind? They present their own problems, like stagnation. Nothing changes. I do not grow.

Embracing Wind

I need to embrace the wind in whatever form it presents itself. First, I need to root myself in God’s truths. Surrender my agenda to His. Ask Him to remove the blocking stones within me. Do not abandon the desires He has placed on my heart. Intentionally step forward as God guides me.

Do my part and change the things I can control. For me, I believe that means establishing more structure in my days. As a child, I had structure. Structure helped me achieve my childhood goals. As a young adult, I took structure too far, missing out on life. Removing structure gave me freedom. Freedom opened me up. But it also did not help me live purposefully. My goals became dreams.

For me, I believe my days need to balance structure with freedom. That means I make sure I do what I set out for the day. I take action. I do not let things, or people, derail me. Ensure my day contains space for fun and self care. I live with purpose.


What about you? How do you live your days? Does the wind of your circumstances prevent you from living each day fully? Are your days filled with purpose and fun? Do you trust God to help you live your fullest life?


Heavenly Father, Wake me in the morning so I can spend time with You. Open my ears to hear Your voice. You renew my strength for You are with me, upholding me with Your righteous right hand. Align my heart’s desires with Your will. Guide me, giving me a full life.

(Isaiah 4:1,10; 58:11)

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4 Responses

  1. Erin says:

    Always a gem, and always in resonance. The wind of my circumstances has gotten in the way. I’ve been having less fun than usual lately, dealing with the to do lists that keep getting longer and longer. Thanks for the reminder about the FUN. I’m going for it!!! Love you, friend. Keep up the beautiful work! 😀

    • Penny says:

      Thank YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts and intentions. May fun and joy seep their way into your purposeful days!

  2. Carol Shiveley says:

    Beautiful Penny!! 👍😋❤️